Re: Ummm... Bye! (or else)
Re: Ummm... Bye! (or else)
> Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 00:21:28 -0500
> Reply-to: Ray Kremer <rkremer@BRADLEY.EDU>
> From: Ray Kremer <rkremer@BRADLEY.EDU>
> Subject: Re: Ummm... Bye! (or else)
> You're probably right. I was just making a generalization, without
> checking the exactness of my statement. I was just trying to point out that
> while Russia was our ally DURING the war (as Chris Jarvis keeps saying),
> AFTER the war, we became not-so-friendly with them. (Cold War, remember
> folks?) I had also meant that to be a private e-mail to Chris, but I
> screwed it up somehow. Still, nitpicking history does belong elsewhere.
> (To think the war discussion started with "We kicked your butt in the
> Revolution" just as a cheap shot against England. Even that was wrong.
> We could never have done it without France. But I digress.) Nobody cares
> anymore guys, alright?
> >> During the war, yes, we were Russia's allies. Hitler was the greater
> >> enemy at the time. After the war, however, Russia swiftly took over every
> >> country that they had soldiers in,
> >
> >Untrue. Russia liberated a northern part of Norway, and then withdrew their
> >forces from Norway.(Though they didn't have many soldiers, and other forces
> >would have beaten them anyway, but still they didn't take over.) Now where
> >does the calc enter the picture here??
Hey I never said that we couldn't have done it without France, but