Re: Ummm... Bye! (or else)
Re: Ummm... Bye! (or else)
Nathan Ernst wrote:
> As it is for us to see the difference between some Brits and Americans.
> Just because we kicked their @$$ is the revolutionary war.
Oh yes, I remember seeing you up front, yeah, a real rambo you were,
crack trooper extreordinnaire!
> A small,
> pitiful, non-nation that destroyed the most powerful country at the time?
> Yes, that would be America.
HA! You leave me laughing!
Maybe you should check your history books (I've BTW always wondered why
Americans, given the fact that they don't really have that much history
to learn about, don't know much about history from _abroad_)
> And it is that spirit from the revolutionary
> era that has helped to shape us into what we are today.
HA! and what a shape, oh yeah, health care? School? Justice? Where did
they go? America is YOUNG YOUNG YOUNG, and too busy showing muscle
instead of doing some good inwards. Yes, you are right, and the
revolutionary spirit needs to tamed somewhat, if you want to be taken
> Whether you like it
> or not, we are what we are,
Redundancy: See redundancy.
> and it does not really matter what the hell you
> think of us. After all, what are you going to do about it? Go cry to your
> government?
You really prove your superior wit here, I must say. What a charm.
> And whay can they do about it? Start a war over some moronic
> kid with his head stuck up his ass?
Are you trying to convey something meaningful here?
> and what are we going to to do then?
> Destroy your whole nation in less than a week? Thanks. You can shut up
> now.
Wow, you sure showed him,*WoW*
> Oh, and by the way, for someone who hates America, why do you use microsoft
> explorer, frontpage, etc? Or play quake 2? All of these made by Americans.
You're such a bloody ignorant! And you are SO stereotypical! It's
because of people like YOU that Europeans get the impression that
America is the land of the dullwitted. And it probably is. I like the
relief I get from this list when - occasionally - a clueful American
dares reveal himself and say something smart. I admire that, given the
fact that people like you do what they can to ruin American PR.
And another thing: If you think Microsoft is entirely American then you
have GOT to be THE most NAIVE person I've ever met!
> Why don't you play something from your own damn country? Oh, that's right,
> nothing worth-while is made there.
I believe Tetris, probably THE most well-known game in the world, was
invented by a Russian.
> Be afraid, very afraid:
> " Hey, I am beyond sanity, beyond the realms of human understanding, If you
> want to chat about nothing of any physical relevance, just say so! Else you
> must be female and between the ages of 13-16, :-> Also if you know the Warez
> about of Quake 2 TELL ME!?!"
> Quote from Lem's personal information
And his .sig says to please kill him, SO? Your point?
Get your act together, study some politics, logic, and linguistics.
Rene Kragh Pedersen
Apparently my clothes are defective.
- Dilbert.