Re: Ummm... Bye! (or else)
Re: Ummm... Bye! (or else)
Personally, I think that it is rather ironic, not to mention hypocritical,
to stereotype Americans, and then turn around and blast someone else for
doing the same. Please, think before you speak. If everyone did this, we
would all be better off, whether you'll admit it or not.
Oh, and by the way, your english is pretty terrible. No American would use
the phrase "take the piss from." It's stupid and makes no sense. My, my,
my. We are just too stupid for our own good (note: this is my "american"
sarcasm directed towards Chris.) You shoot down someone who's hobby is
computers, and is quite driven. Then you turn around and say that your
hobby is "computerish." Are we a complete and utter moron, or just
partially? (again, my "american" sarcasm directed at you know who.)
Sorry for wasting every one's time, but I just wanted to get my two cents
worth in.
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Jarvis <Lem@MINDLESS.COM>
Date: Wednesday, March 04, 1998 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: Ummm... Bye! (or else)
> Grant, how do you spontaniously know what I do all day, psycic are you?
>I just know you americans, your so predictable and I'm sorry I take the
>piss from any other contry (mainly france) but I can't help but take the
>piss from americans. Thats what I do for a large part of the day. My
>does happen to be computerish but theres no point lieing and I have just
>lost complete track of what I was saying but who cares anyway...
> But you see what I mean, I just wrote goodbuy and you guys had to start
>a structured debate about it, these mailing list things are just
>Anyway I only complain about 'stuff like england' after 11:00 at night. I
>didn't say I didn't need to get a life anyway? You are just typically
>american and had to jump to yer poxy conclusions. Im sorry that I hate
>nation, I can't help it.
> Someone take me off this list before I get angry!,
>Chris Jarvis (aka. Lem, The Insane One)
>ICQ - 2369727 - Add me, I don't care!
> (Home)
> (School)
>Will Somebody Kill Me?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Grant Stockly <gussie@ALASKA.NET>
>Date: 05 March 1998 02:16
>Subject: Re: Ummm... Bye! (or else)
>>Thanks for using NetForward!
>>>I mean, Grant
>>>Stockly, are you that much of a computer bod that you have to know
>>>everything about anything with a microchip in it before you get to
>>>secondary/high school, like GET A LIFE you sad excuse for a ... computer?
>>Hmm...lets do an evaluation here.
>>Person who spends 30 mins a day reading computer books and learning for
>>enrichment for the rest of his life. The rest having fun
>>Person who spends all of his time complaining about stuff like england and
>>smart people.
>>Which one do you think...needs to get a life.