Re: calculating e Part II
Re: calculating e Part II
Graph (1+(1/x))^x on your calculator. Also graph e.....not the function
e^x, but just the constant e if you can. (Not sure if it can be done on a
calculator other than the TI-92, but still try..)
After graphing....
Wow!! Look how close the e line is to the (1+(1/x))^x line!! (ie..that is
why the formula is a good approximation..). But observe what happens on
the right side of the axis..(you may need to zoom out A LOT, so the xmax
is 1E15 or so, then zoom in as needed..).
IN other words...(1+(1/x))^x isn't the best of approximations for e as x
>I wanted to know why the calculator
>>displays a number _greater_ than the approximation of e (e displayed to 9
>>decimals) when A is 10x10^13.
I have a TI-92, and when I ran your code at 1e14 my value for B
(approximation of e) went to 1! (the very far right side of the graph..)
Because [1+(1/1e14)^1E14] is like:
Hope that helps!