Please Help!! TI-92 locked up!


Please Help!! TI-92 locked up!

I used WinLink for the TI-92 to backup my ROM v1.10 calculator, inserted
Fargo into it (as far as I know - I'm a little sketchy on how all that
works), then sent it back to my calculator.  By the way, this was all done
via my homespun parallel link cable.  Anyway, now my calculator just says
"Illegal Instruction" at the top, the status bar is at the bottom, but there
is no command line or menu.  The '2nd', 'Diamond', 'Hand', and 'Shift' keys
all seem to work, and I can alter the contrast, but that seems to be it.  I
can't even shut it off without just removing the batteries.  I have removed
all the AA's and the little disc batteries at the same time, plugged them
back in, and still have the same problem.

If anybody can tell me what I did wrong, and, more importantly, how to fix
it, I would GREATLY appreciate it.  I'm pulling my hair out on this one....

By the way, an email reply would be peachy.  Thanx!

