Re: Finger Power
Re: Finger Power
Actually, among the food batteries, the banana worked best! Sugar water worked
better than salt water or vinegar. The project that my daughter did was in part
to test which of a select few metals worked best with a select few electrolytes.
To make a battery of this type you need some piece of fruit--we started with
lemons. You need a pieces of two different kinds of metal; copper wire works
well along with a steel or aluminum nail. (You could also force a penny and a
nickle into the fruit.) You need to complete the circuit with a wire connecting
the two electrodes. If you want to see what is happening, make a voltage meter
part of the circuit. You could also use a small xmas tree bulb in a very dark
room. Just for fun, you can use your mouth for the electrolyte--no kidding. Of
course you add NO external current. It's easy, fun and makes the point. --gotta
run, D
The Pletchers wrote:
> Are you svre about that 50-75 V?? Some power amplifiers give extra voltage,
> bvt they compromise cvrrent in the process... The frvits have strong acids
> in them that provide electrical charge. Kinda like batteries
> At 10:04 PM 3/3/98 GMT, Joe Horton wrote:
> >I think that this idea is very much a possibility and could be used for many
> >applications.
> >I don't know much about electronics, but how does a power amplifier work?
> >Recently I took apart my sisters old Gameboy and found that it required
> >about 50-75 volts, of power to usa at a time, not 6 like it takes in. It
> >uses power amplifiers to make the 6 volts enough. maybe this technology
> >could be used to amplify the power of the skin. Also, the guy who said that
> >he used fruits and other things to make electricity for a science project,
> >how did that work?
> >
> >Joe Horton
> >
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Douglas S. Oliver
Department of Anthropology
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521