Re: from Mexico
Re: from Mexico
Notice that this one's not from AOL.
>From: Valdez A. Carlos E.[SMTP:a123470@UACHIH.UACHNET.MX]
>Reply To: Valdez A. Carlos E.
>Sent: Monday, March 02, 1998 7:29 PM
>Subject: from Mexico
>First, let my tell you that my English is not very good (because the
>Spanish is my language), but donīt worry. Thank you!!!! for everything. I
>need your help fast!!!, Iīm in trouble. I need someone do it for me a
>psychic consultation.
>I need help in first place:
>1. About my mental health: I have trouble calling panic disorder(but the
>name doesnīt matters, fears, shame, insecurity, stigma of fear).
>My fears affecting my life in a very particular form: fear in a buses,
>fear in a storeīs, supermarkets, and things required that i express my
>self. Is very important to me win this war with my self fast that i can .
>A psychic tell me in a free clairvoyance I have seen in you, my dear
>Carlos, a certain ability, a certain divinatory and supernatural gift
>which should be brought out into the world for your own good. I can start
>work straight away if you would like myself to be of help to you, using
>each of my magical powers, to allow you to discover these gifts for
>yourself which I have detected in you. In this point come to my mind
>one ask ? is possible that my fears for life in general coming for that
>forces (fears, etc.) that the psychic tell me. Probably my intents for
>understand causing more trouble, so i have put me in your hands for
>canalizing this power...???. If is through this power can be available
>for you else, or in a
>disposition of my brothers and friends, whatever they are, only help me
>for the better understanding, and with old security i help the others.
>Please help me to discover those gifts. If is possible do it from a
>distance. Please send me a e-mail responding what do a have to do...
>sincerely, your friend
> Carlos.