Re: z80s?
Re: z80s?
Douglas S. Oliver (dsoliver@EARTHLINK.NET) wrote:
: Don't forget the classic TRS80 Model 100, the computer that brought in a
: revolution! There are many web sites devoted to this computer. It was the
: first in the new generation of laptops. I have one, I use one, and I wish I
: could hook it up to my TI86.--D
Actually the M100 uses an 8085 cpu, not a Z80.
: > The Commodore uses the 6502 processor. A couple of things that do use the
: > Z80 include the Nintendo Gameboy, the Sega Master System, the Sega Genesis
: > (along with a 68k processor), a couple of failure home computers, and many
: > special purpose development boards.
The Commodore used a 6510 cpu. This was very similar to the 6502 but
included some memory management capability.
The Gameboy cpu is not a Z80 but it is modelled after it. It has a similar
but somewhat different architecture.