Re: Ti BBS?
Re: Ti BBS?
Some people e-mailed me about this, and I think they misunderstood me.
I did not say BBS's suck or that the internet is the best thing since
sliced bread. I just observed that BBS's are going the way of BetaMax
and OS/2. That's not to say that VHS and MS-Windows are better, just that
they won out in the end. And remember, the TI calculator support
community is mostly students with limited funds. Free web pages are easy
to do, but BBS's are more involved to set up. The net does have its
faults, yes, but it's not going away, so just accept it and move on.
>I think BBS's have gone out of fashion since the web works as well or
>better. Any that are around are probably old ones that don't want to
>abandon their existing users. Just get the net, friend.
>>Does anyone know of any dial-up BBS (not web) dedicated to TI?
>>Also does anyone know ANY good BBS's in LA, I just moved here from
>>chicago(lots of good ones there!) about a year ago and most suck (like
>>pay BBS's and internet service and stuff).