Re: [Q:] A couple of questions
Re: [Q:] A couple of questions
>1. Is it possible to access information contained in a data editor
>from the home screen?
Not that I know of.
>Say I have two columns of data in a data variable I have called
>1, 30
>2, 2.25
>4, 3.65
>1, 9.95
>Is it possible, from the home screen, to perform a cumsum on the
>product of each of the values in the data editor?
>(1*30) + (2*2.25) + (4*3.65) + (1*9.95)
>If so, what would be the syntax I would use?
There is no short command for this. No doubt you could write out some
long thing to do this, but that defeats the purpose.
>Also, is it possible to directly access a value in a particular cell?
>IE, to include the value in row 3, column 2 in a calculation I am
>performing on the home screen?
>2. I sit possible, when performing calculations on the home screen, to
>provide comment text that would not be interpreted as a variable?
>I ask because the history will be very useful to me, but I would like
>to identify the operations I am performing so that I can locate them
>more easily when I work back through the history.
>Something like:
>Bev's WS: 23*600/12
>Mike's WS: 23*500/11
>So that in the history it appears as "Bev's WS: 23*600/12 = 1150"
>and then
>"Mike's WS: 23*500/11 = 1045.46"
>I use the ":" character simply as a convenient separator -- I would
>assume it has a very different meaning in the syntax of the TI-92.
I guess the simplest way would be
"Mike's WS:":23*500/11
Quote marks make a string, the colon separates commands.