Re: TI-92: No percent function?
Re: TI-92: No percent function?
I think you might want a "per cent of" function
which would be something like
r001 / 100 * b001 -> pctof(b001,r001)
Ordering of parameters in equation intentional to minimize overflow.
Naming convention to minimize likelihood of circular definition problem
at expense of clarity. b001 for base, r001 for percentage rate.
pctof(200,36) == 72
pctof(200,-36) == -72
And percent increase:
b001 * (1 + r001 / 100) -> pctin(b001,r001)
pctin(200,36) == 272
pctin(200,-36) == 128
And percent change
100 * (t001 / f001 - 1) -> pctch(f001,t001)
where f001 is "from" and "t001" is "to".
pctch(20,30) == 50
pctch(30,20) == -100/3
In article <>, (Midnight Wells) wrote:
> Hi All,
> I finally went ahead and purchased a TI-92 on the weekend. A wonderful
> calculator (from the point of view of someone who has yet to push it
> anywhere near its limits) but I am a little disappointed that it
> doesn't have a percent function at all (I understand this is true of
> many/all high-end calculators).
> I know I can write my own function to provide basic percent
> operations, but I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if it is possible
> to write a function that provides the whole functionality of percent
> operations.
> ie I know it is possible to write a function that performs:
> 100*pt(36) = 36
> However, what I'd like to know is, is it possible to write a function
> that also performs:
> 100 + pt(36) = 136
> Also:
> 100 - pt(36) = 64
> Or:
> 26 * (100 - pt(36)) + 12= 1676
> and so on.
> If the above is possible, any practical code would be appreciated (I
> have yet to even begin coming to terms with writing TI-92 functions).
> Many thanks in advance,
> Midnight
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