Thomas J. Hruska wrote:
> At 03:11 PM 6/13/98 -0400, you wrote:
> >Thomas J. Hruska wrote:
> >
> >> It works! I can finally be online at the same time I want to use my
> >> graph-link. I had to change my modem's IRQ to 7 and my graph-link's IRQ to
> >> 4 but it works! All I have to remember now is that I can't print at the
> >> same time I'm online because IRQ 7 is also printer port. I
> >> rarely print online anyway, so this setup works very well.
> >
> >My Graph-Link is on COM3 (IRQ 4) and my modem is on COM2 (IRQ 3) and that
> works
> >fine. And I can also print from IRQ 7. You should set your modem to IRQ 3.
> >Usually IRQ 3 and 4 are reserved for COM ports.
> Bryan, You and I have already been over this on IM. I can't use IRQ 3
> because my system already uses that IRQ with another device (I'd change it
> if I knew which device). So, I had to use IRQ 7 (only free IRQ I could set
> the jumpers on my modem to).
Well you're a smart guy, figure out what's using IRQ 3. ;)
Bryan Rabeler <>
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