Re: Significative numbers - possible solution
Re: Significative numbers - possible solution
only problem with that (if I'm understanding you correctly) is the decimal
doesnt necesarily lead to the # of sig figs...
123.45 has 5 sig figs
123.00 also has 5
123 has 3
0.00001 has 1
0.01001 has 4
Another problem you run into is with a number like
There is no way to tell how many sig figs there are, unless its written in
scientific notation.. eg. 9x10^4 has 1 sig fig 9.000x10^4 has 4, even though
the two numbers are mathmatically the same. Maybe that is part of the
solution... writing everything in scientific notation since you only write
what is significant..
>Here's my idea:
>Have the calc display the variable in the graph screen, it pxl_tests until
>it finds the decimal pt., then it counts the # of digits the input has. It
>just might work.