Josh Mathis wrote:
As much as I hate to say it, Starcraft is the worst game I have played in
quite a while. As the game progresses, the levels get so incredibly
impossible and unfair that I can't play it anymore. It's so frustrating to
see the computer destroy all my units like nothing, and whenever I try to
attack the enemy, I am destroyed easily. Whenever they attack, they wipe me
out, but there's no way I can get them. They're always stronger than me.
Their units destroy everything in sight and I always get killed before they
do. I can't attack their bases because they build up their defenses so much
that I can't get anywhere near them. But they have no trouble destroying my
base. It's not that I'm bad at the game, but any strategy I try never
works. They always win. I can't even beat the 5th mission in the Terran
campaign!!! Those missile turrets prevent me from doing anything to their
base, but no matter how many Wraiths are blasting the hell out of them, the
turrets always manage to kill off all the Wraiths with little or no damage
done to themselves. I can never win. And the computer has much more
advanced units than I do, giving them an even greater advantage. I can't
even build Goliaths or Ghosts yet, and there they are using Siege Tanks. I
tried the Zerg campaign instead, and the first mission was way too tough. I
had at least 30 Zerglings and about 5 Drones, all about to attack the
Terran encampment, but they didn't even get there. A couple a Goliaths and
a few Marines knocked them out easily. I will never again buy another
strategy game like this one. I don't know why no one else found this game
impossible, but I do. Starcraft sucks.Before flaming me, please note that this is my own personal opinion. You
may not agree with me, but this is just what I personally think.Josh Mathis
ICQ# 13282790