Riemann v1.2
Riemann v1.2
Just as ticalc.org is posting v1.1 of the riemann sum program, here's v1.2.
This version is 69 bytes smaller, and also fixes a bug. I'm just staying
one step ahead :) Did anyone who got this program the first time have
trouble getting it off the list? I'd like to know. Thanks!
- Warning
- Could not process part with given Content-Type:
application/applefile; name="%RIEMANN.83p"
Name: Riemann Sum Finder
Author: David Endahl
Version: 1.2
Machine: TI-83 BASIC
Released: June 9, 1998
Size: 698 bytes
-Solves for Riemann sums using left endpoints, right endpoints and midpoints
-Solves using trapezoids (more accurate than rectangles)
-Solves using Simpson's Rule (whatever that is... I don't remember :) )
Version History:
-Chopped off 69 bytes!
-There was a routine that would compensate if the equation was over 21
characters. Since the 83 has a different resolution from the 85, I figured
it wasn't necessary. If people experience problems, I might add it back in.
-Some "Clrhome" and "Pause" commands were eliminated by putting one at the
beginning of labels.
-Fixed a bug that would re-display "Y=" when you went back to look at the data
-Added more options to main menu and made it a little more "user friendly":
-Now you can change "N" (subintervals) witout having to restart
-You can revise all your data without restarting
-You can see the data again if you forgot what your variables were
-Size increased by 64 bytes
-First Release (direct port from 85 version)
1) Copy RIEMANN.83P to your calc
2) Run prgmRIEMANN
How does it work?
It's not too hard to figure out. The program first asks you for
the right endpoint and the left endpoint of your function (A, then B), then
it will ask you for the number of subintervals you want to use (N).
Finally it will ask for the equation itself (Y=ax^2+bx+c, y=mx+b, or
whatever). Simply enter the equation as you would in your "Y=" screen.
You don't need to put the equation in quotes, since it stores it as a
string. Once you've completed this first part, you can select from the
menu what you want to do with the equation.
Future stuff to do:
-I think it's about as small as it's gonna get. Any suggestoins? E-mail me!
e-mail: endahld@scnc.wmston.k12.mi.us
Since I'm such a nice guy, I'll unlock the program and say that
anyone do whatever they want with it, but please keep this text file with
it at all times. Thanx! :)
Thanks to Patrick Franklin, who designed the original version for the 85.
-David Endahl
"Without the band, it's just a GAME!"
"The first half is pre-game for the halftime show"
"The second half is a time to prepare for the post-game show"
"Come for the band, stay for the football"