92/89s on tests
92/89s on tests
Some one brought up a good point the other day about the 92s not
being allowed on tests. I got a 92 the year it came out. I was
still in college then taking Calc 3 I believe, and it was a pretty
big deal in the math department.
It scared some of my teachers. They simply didn't know how to
deal with it. Some of them wanted it banned (using the excuse that
it had a qwerty keyboard), while others felt like it was no big
deal. The head of the math department decided that it would be up to
the individual teachers to decide, but she felt she would have to
eventually change the way that all the teachers taught.
I don't know if anyone out there had a similiar experience (as
teacher or student), but I would be interested in hearing about it.
I don't think the 89 is going to make things on this front any
better. Any teachers or departments hailing the qwerty excuse will
lose that and will be forced to deal with advancing technology.
Personally I feel that they shouldn't be allowed on any test
from calc 2 and below. Teachers don't allow basic calcs on
arithmatic tests, so should they allow essentially the same thing at
higher levels?
interested in hearing your ideas on this,
Tomas C
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