Re: TI83 Emulator for TI86
Re: TI83 Emulator for TI86
Actually, that's not quite it. The 82, 83, 85, and 86 all use Z-80
processors and assembly language. They are all slightly different as far
as hardware addresses, memory arrangement, etc. This means that assembly
code for an 85 will be slightly different than code that does the same thing
on an 86. The emulators, say ASE, reads 85-ASM code, reinterprets it for the
86, and sends the new commands to the 86's processor to create the desired
effect. It's more of a rip-off of the original 85-ASM shell than the 85
ROM itself.
I think that ASE was written primarily because it seemed unfair that 85-ASM
games wouldn't work on the "upgraded 85" 86, and secondarily just for the
sheer challenge of it. Bill Nagel did outdo himself a bit by including 82-
ASM emulation in ASE, but he left even me wondering why he left out 83-ASM
Still, how many 83-ASM games are there that don't also have a version for the
82, 85, or 86? This is why I said people shouldn't be obsessing over this like
they are. Even without ASE at all, the 86-ASM library is quite large, and
includes many ports from other calculators' ASM. Oh yes, I did get those
flames I predicted, but I suppose that I was asking for it, even with the
"I didn't really mean it" disclaimer. I don't think there's anything wrong
with calculator games unless playing them is the only reason you bought the
thing. Of course anything that starts seriously will eventually be exploited
for entertainment. It just seemed like some people were giving off the
impression that games are the only purpose of the calculator for them.
>No, I think Ray has a point. If someone hass "rewritten" an 83, 82 and 85
>ROM, that raises some serious questions regarding the legality of such
>programming. I'll talk to TI about it.
>>Ray Kremer wrote:
>>> Because many people have forgotten that the primary purpose of calculators
>>> is to do math, not to play games. The games are just a bonus to kill time
>>> during math class IF you don't need to pay attention to get an A.
>>> You want to play games, real games? Buy a Game Boy. You want to write
>>> games for the internet community to enjoy? Write it in C for dos or Windows.
>>> Okay, I'm being extreme here, I play and write those calc games as much as
>>> anybody else, but I still have the big picture in mind. Sure, you might
>>> want to hang onto that ten year old NES so you can still play the original
>>> Metroid or Zelda, but do we really need to obsess over the TI-82 games you
>>> can't play because you have an 86 instead? It doesn't actually hurt anything
>>> if you do obsess, but they are just calculator games, after all.
>>> (This oughta stir up some comments/flames. Just don't go too far.
>>> I'm not always as serious as I sound. Take it with a grain of salt.)
>>> >If you don't mind my asking, why is sooo much emulating needed?