Re: TI-86 webpage with games, ASM programs, etc..
Re: TI-86 webpage with games, ASM programs, etc..
I don't think (or hope) that the problem would be to get the file to your
computer. (Right-click, save as.)
The tricky spot is to get them from computer to calc. You can either buy
the official TI graphlink cable at your nearest calc dealer, (you might
ask for it anyway. Can't seem to get it up here. Anyway the graphlink is a
ripoff) or you can play electrician and make your own cable. is a pretty good place to
start making your cable and at you can get
a great transfer program.
Now to get the programs, go to (since the ti-philes, my favorite, is down)
You could also visit my page (link at bottom) and select the links section
and check out some links in the TI part.
Hope this helps.
Arad wrote:
> Could you give me a site which will fully explain how I can download
> programs for my TI-86, get these programs on my TI-86, and give me the
> access to download these programs? Thank you very much.
Jack the Klipper
ICQ: 9900377