Re: Preview of the TI-85 Archive!
Re: Preview of the TI-85 Archive!
I have to agree with Ray. There is nothing there that alone
doesnt have. Besides, What is the point of a TI chat?? Someone would have to
be incredibly bored to want to use it. By the way, nice pic of the forum
preview. Hmm, mail lists- at Ticalc. Forums- at TICalc. Also, you're just
going to have the same exact programs that the other TI hubs have. Same
boring stuff. Oh well, maybe it will be a success (hahaha), but I guess
we'll all find out.
At 06:56 AM 7/25/98 GMT, Jonathan Chum wrote:
>Well this is different. For one thing, we're doing this because we
>want to. Secondly have you visited TI-Files? Their layout and design
>sucked and they created forums and stuff that are linked from their
>guestbook! TI-Calc on the other hand has loads of info, but they need
>to update their site design once in a while (it's a bit boring there).
>I have nothing against these sites, just that I want a change. I like
>to visit TI-Calc because of faster updates than TI-Files. TI-Files is
>better because of more things to do, like TI radio. I also have many
>friends that would like screen shots of programs before they download.
>This is one thing that many TI-85 users won't be dissappointed. Every
>os game will have a scanned image of the game not in black and white
>like ti-files but greyscale.
>Another thing too. I have never seen a banner rotation system on any
>site, ICQ List, Chat Room except for IRC etc etc...
>BTW I wasn't lying that geocities server was not working. Any site
>underneath the Horizon domain was unaccessable. Also I was able to get
>another server to put the pictures on so now everyone can see for
>themselves (
>that the TI-85 Archive will be a success!!! =)
>Jonathan Chum
>Ray Kremer <raykremer@HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:
>>I don't want to sound cynical or anything, but for all the hype you're
>>putting us through, I hope for your sake that your site is something
>>special. That list you gave of stuff on your site, all that's been done
>>to death. If that's all you have, you will be disappointed by the low hit
>>count that you are bound to get. Frankly, between, TI-Files,
>>and, there's not much left to do by way of calculator web sites.
>>But hey, why don't you just join some of the existing TI web rings, and
>>submit your URL to and the TI-Files along with the other dozens
>>of TI-85 web sites. Okay, that sounded cynical. I can't help it. It's
>>just that with all this hype, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.
>>And no, I have nothing against yet another TI web page, just the pointless
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