Re: Preview of the TI-85 Archive!


Re: Preview of the TI-85 Archive!

I don't want to sound cynical or anything, but for all the hype you're
putting us through, I hope for your sake that your site is something
special.  That list you gave of stuff on your site, all that's been done
to death.  If that's all you have, you will be disappointed by the low hit
count that you are bound to get.  Frankly, between, TI-Files,
and, there's not much left to do by way of calculator web sites.
But hey, why don't you just join some of the existing TI web rings, and
submit your URL to and the TI-Files along with the other dozens
of TI-85 web sites.  Okay, that sounded cynical.  I can't help it.  It's
just that with all this hype, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.
And no, I have nothing against yet another TI web page, just the pointless
