Preview of the TI-85 Archive!


Preview of the TI-85 Archive!

Finally a preview of the best TI-85 site out there is there on the
NET. These of course are screen shots of the site so you can't
navigate through them. =8-(
Anyway some features of this new site are:
Mailing List
Chat Room
An ICQ List
and more... (probably a banner rotation system for TI-85 sites)

Anyway check out the screen shots and tell us what do you think about
it. I can't give you an exact date, but it will probably be sometime
this summer or early fall (the latest). Also this site will not be
hosted at geocites for your information. It will be hosted at a super
fast server with hardly no down time. The geocities server is for
screen shots and information about the site only.

Here is the site URL:

BTW We are not affiliated with TI

~Jonathan Chum
Thomas O'Brien -- Founder of the TI-85 Archive
Jonathan Chum -- Web Designer and CGI installation
Nick Miller -- Screen Shot Expert #1
Michael Astrauskas -- Screen Shot Expert #2
