TI newsgroup active?
TI newsgroup active?
I have subscribed to this newsgroup for over 4 months now and noticed
something. This newsgroup isn't much active overall. There is only
about 10 posts everyday while the Hp48 newsgroup(comp.sys.hp48) gets
25-30 posts. Much of my teachers in High school and elementary uses
TI's and the school even bought a classroom size full of TI-82's. Hp
doesn't advertise much and haven't came out with a new calculator for
4 years now. There cpu is 10 years old and slower than of TI's. On the
Hp newgroup people post about assembly language problems and linking
and rom dumping problems. They also post about upcoming programs
that's gonna rock Hp48 world. Now on the TI side, there have a couple
of post that doesn't even interest me one bit. Why is that? Is it that
most people don't know that a TI group even exist therefore don't post
about upcoming programs and other material that may interest people?
Xanthis alias Jonathan Chum