Mega-Cash Wants To Advertise On Your Site!
Mega-Cash Wants To Advertise On Your Site!
This message is intended for adult webamsters, your name was
purchased as part of an adult webmaster list. If this has reached you
in error, please see removal info at the bottom of this page.
Dear Webmaster,
Have you noticed that when you put a new banner on your site it
does really well for a little while, then just peters out. You have to
constantly present fresh banners and sites to maintain consistant cash
flow. When you sign-up with Mega-Cash, you are enrolled in all eight
of our programs. This allows you to rotate banners and sites without
having to switch to a new advertising program every month.
Whether you are advertising one of our programs, or all eight, we pay
you with a single check mailed out bi-weekly like clockwork. We also
offer some of the highest payouts in the industry. Ranging from