source question


source question

The following is a source from the game "ski". For example, #define
levelname 8265h, this is not an ordinary call or whatever it is called. My
question is how did the author of this file come up with the hex number
8266. What does all this mean.

; variables

#define temp 8265h                ; temporary
#define levelname 8266h           ; name of current level
#define level 826Ah               ; pointer to symbol table entry of
current level
#define row 826Ch                 ; level offset
#define col 826Eh                 ; skier position
#define score 826Fh               ; score
#define flakes 8271h              ; begining of snowflake x's and y's

; direct input key equates

kLeft .equ 253
kRight .equ 251
kMode .equ 191
kClear .equ 191

; program and list object type equates

progobj .equ 05h                  ; program
protprogobj .equ 06h              ; protected program
listobj .equ 01h                  ; list
clistobj .equ 0Dh                 ; complex list

lcddata .equ 11h                  ; lcd data port

.org 9327h