

              NORTEY (By AL)

The AMaze Feature is a seperate program in itself.

:Lbl OO                                         <- "OO" not 00
:Lbl AM
:Goto Z
:Lbl A
:Input "NO. OF TREES ",E
:randInt(1,49) \->\ S                           <- The "STO>" button
:randInt(1,89) \->\ T
:Text(S,T,"pi")                                 <- Put Pi Character in here
:Goto Z
:Lbl B
:0 \->\ R
:Input "RECALL PIC 1-3 ",R                      <- Add more if you want
:If R=1
:RecallPic 1
:If R=2
:RecallPic 2
:If R=3
:RecallPic 3
:Goto Z                                         <- Makes upgrading easier
:Lbl Z
:10 \->\ X
:10 \->\ Y
:2 \->\ Z
:0 \->\ \@\                                     <- Theta
:90 \->\ A
:50 \->\ B
:-2 \->\ C
:0 \->\ D
:Text(25,37,"                   "               <- 19 Spaces
:Repeat (pxl-Test(Y,X)=1) or pxl-Test(B,A)=1
:If pxl-Test(B,A+C)=1 or pxl-Test(B,A+.5)=1
:0 \->\ C
:randInt(1,2) \->\ R
:If R=1 and pxl-Test(B-2,A)=0 and pxl-Test(B-1,A)=0
:-2 \->\ D
:2 \->\ D
:If R=2 and pxl-Test(B+2,A)=0 and pxl-Test(B+1,A)=0
:2 \->\ D
:-2 \->\ D
:If pxl-Test(B+D,A)=1 or pxl-Test(B+.5D,A)=1
:0 \->\ D
:randInt(1,2) \->\ R
:If R=1 and pxl-Test(B,A+2)=0 and pxl-Test(B,A+1)=0
:2 \->\ C
:-2 \->\ C
:If R=2 and pxl-Test(B,A-2)=0 and pxl-Test(B,A-1)=0
:-2 \->\ C
:2 \->\ C
:getKey \->\ K
:If K=25
:0 \->\ Z
:-2 \->\ \@\
:If K=24
:-2 \->\ Z
:0 \->\ \@\
:If K=26
:2 \->\ Z
:0 \->\ \@\
:If K=34
:0 \->\ Z
:2 \->\ \@\
:X+Z \->\ X
:Y+ \@\ \->\ Y
:A+C \->\ A
:B+D \->\ B
:If pxl-Test(Y,X)=1
:Text(11,25,"P1 CRASHED")
:If pxl-Test(B,A)=1
:Text(20,25,"CALC CRASHED")
:Goto OO
:Lbl Q
                AMAZE (By AL)
For use with NORTEY. About 20 lines is norm on the Standard 10,-10 axis.
Change axis to change density of lines.

:Lbl RE
:Input "LINES? ",L
:randInt(1,2) \->\ R
:If R=1
:randInt(XMin,Xmax) \->\ X
:randInt(YMin,Ymax) \->\ Y
:randInt(YMin,YMax) \->\ Z
:If R=2
:randInt(XMin,Xmax) \->\ X
:randInt(YMin,Ymax) \->\ Y
:randInt(XMin,XMax) \->\ Z
:Lbl MU
:Lbl QW
:Lbl ST
:StorePic 1
:Goto MU