Re: Sharing equations with a TI-85


Re: Sharing equations with a TI-85

On Wed, 28 Jan 1998, Jeff Tyrrill wrote:

> Most types of variables can be directly sent from the TI-86 to the TI-85
> via the SND85 option in the LINK menu. However, some types cannot, because
> they can contain extra functions that will not work on the TI-85. I don't
> have a TI-86 and don't remember whether equation-type variables can be
> directly sent, but if they cannot, then they can be sent by converting them
> to strings.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:   Matthew Hawkins [SMTP:s0209792@UNIX1.CC.YSU.EDU]
>> Does anybody know how to link equations from a TI-86 to a TI-85?

That's entirely correct, but lickily enough, to send an equation to the
86, you just send it.
