Re: Buy ti-83 or ti-86


Re: Buy ti-83 or ti-86

Micke B wrote:
> Is there anyone from Sweden who know where I can buy my calc ( ti-83 or
> ti-86) and what it4s cost??
> Only answer to my mail!!!!

Hmm... (another controversial debate war... here we go again...)

Well anyway, as a TI-86 user myself, I am very pleased with it. I have
used a TI-83 as well, in fact, it was what my algebra 2 teacher
recommended for us to purchase if we were not planning on heading into
calculus. well, as a freshman in algebra 2, I figured I *would* be
making it to calculus before I graduate, so I bought the 86. Which costs
only about 20-30 more than the 83. The 86 has many more features than
the 83, which I'm tired of listing. Visit and read the
spec's. Or head on over to and see the buy/sell link.

Really, you can't go wrong with either calculator, so do the research,
look at your budget, and make a decision.

Oh, the 83 costs somewhere around $90-100, and the 86 costs around
$110-130 (rough estimates). I bought my 86 for $130 with tax.

-(:P Modem Boy d:)-
-(:P -=TI-86=- d:)-

MMM... I like my spam on two slices of white bread.,,,,
