Re: Lists Sorting
Re: Lists Sorting
try this: SortA(L2,L1) or SortD(L2,L1)
these sort by L2 and keep L1 with it.
The truly wise man never played leapfrog with the unicorn.
On Mon, 26 Jan 1998 18:16:26 EST DvorakEASE <DvorakEASE@AOL.COM> writes:
>In a message dated 98-01-25 15:26:15 EST, you write:
><< Can a list be sorted in by more than one list? I have names in L1
>and data
>in L2. If I sort L2 can I keep the data in L1 to match L2? I am
>using the 83
> >>
>How do you store NAMEs in a list? I can imagine a list to tell me
>where a
>name is in a string, but ...
>Also: what does "sorting in" mean?
>Even if both lists have numbers, is there a non-programming to get L2
>"follow along" with a sort on L2?
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