Re: Netscape for TI-XX anyone?
Re: Netscape for TI-XX anyone?
>My trusty old 85, what else? I wish someone would write a terminal program
>for the 92, it would be awesome! Graphics might even be possible! A 13x40
>character screen(right?) is half of a low-res monitor(24x40), and with 239x103
>pixels (nearly half the res of a CGA screen) we could get greyscale(or just
>B/W) pics to show up, inline! A Netscape clone could be possible! If nothing
>else then a Linx clone that supports HTTP,FTP, and GOPHER? And a converter
>for the computer so that we can download stuff with our calc (into a string?)
>and then send it to our comp and turn it into a useable file? Hell, I might
>just be intrigued enough by this project to learn assembly myself and do this!
Why linux? Find source to a cheep mac html browser and re-compile it with,
I think this is a program, C4Fargo.
Grant Stockly
AppleCyber -