Tr: A83: Do you even test your Ti-83 programs? (fwd)


Tr: A83: Do you even test your Ti-83 programs? (fwd)

The linkport is also used to select the rom page. A solution is to use D0,
D1, D2, D3 instead of C0, C1, C2, C3... ( this works on mine, ROM vers
1.0400 )
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Mike Leister <leister@BAGHWAN.NSC.COM>
Groupes de discussion : bit.listserv.calc-ti
Date : vendredi 23 janvier 1998 17:41
Objet : Re: A83: Do you even test your Ti-83 programs? (fwd)
>I have had the same problem with having the calc hang after outputing bits
>to the linkport.  I'll try setting them high when I'm done and see if it
>works.  I'll post the code if it does.  Can you do the same?
>-----Original Message-----
>From:   Frank Ayers []
>Sent:   Thursday, January 22, 1998 4:48 PM
>Subject:        Re: A83: Do you even test your Ti-83 programs? (fwd)
>>Your program uses the 2 input/o pins as output and pulls them logic >high
>>and low.  Right?
>Yes, but the 2 lines feed and clock a shift register(s) so what you
>see on the outside is parallel data in as many groups of 8 bits as
>your application requires.  The main hassle was getting those two
>lines to take the data from the ASM program without locking up on the
>return. TI's C0 thru C3's sent to port zero (from the "official" TI-83
>page) present the data, but hang up the program -- as in pull out the
>batteries, and start again from scratch. Setting the high bits on the
>last transfer seems to get us past that. As soon as semester grades
>are out, (looks like an "all nighter" for this procrastinator), I'll
>get back to this and pass same along to you.
>  -- Frank