FW: How to get games to TI from computer?Help!


FW: How to get games to TI from computer?Help!

        Why would you ever want to make a backup, won't a group file do, separate
programs give more freedom, backups are just limiting, confusing and
impossible to transfer successfully.

-----Original Message-----
From:   Joseph Gaffney [SMTP:gaffney@THETHINKER.COM]
Sent:   Saturday, January 17, 1998 11:41 PM
Subject:        Re: How to get games to TI from computer?Help!

Thanks for using NetForward!

At 08:09 PM 1/17/98 GMT, jADeD KNiGHt wrote:
>P.S. CAL does send and receive backups from my 85.  I play around with
>a lot!

It doesn't with the 86.  The 86 doesn't even have backups built into the GL
|               Joseph M. Gaffney              |
|    Efnet: rm-rf - gaffney@thethinker.com     |
|  http://www.thethinker.com/members/gaffney/  |