Re: 86 ASM Question


Re: 86 ASM Question

At 12:50 AM 1/15/98 -0500, Joseph wrote:
>You can type in Asm progs on an 86. The process is long and repetitve,
>with having to push [Alpha] all the time (you'd have to turn alpha lock
>off to get commas and numbers). The AsmPrgm command at the begining of
>the program identifies it as an assembly, and you'd compile it with the
>AsmComp( command, and run it with Asm(. So it is possible, just not

No, you can't.  You can program HEX VALUES for asm, but NOT assembly itself.

|               Joseph M. Gaffney              |
|    Efnet: rm-rf -     |
|  |
