FW: chess/checkers 83


FW: chess/checkers 83

        There is a checkers game for the TI-86 but it is 2 player.  I am saying it
wouldn't be hard to write such a game on a calc, you would probably need to
use ASM tho, but I don't know yet I am BASIC only at the mo
                        Chris Jarvis.

-----Original Message-----
From:   Jody [SMTP:jody1@ALASKA.NET]
Sent:   12 January 1998 13:50
Subject:        chess/checkers 83

There's gotta be a checkers game for the 83 already. Isn't there. I
don't know how to do asm, but I think I might be able to make it work
in BASIC. If I could, how hard would it be give it to someone and have
them convert it into asm?

Jody Snider