Rude or not


Rude or not

In defense of whether it is rude to ask "simple questions"

As someone who is also new to programming calculators, I joined the
list to learn more.  There are no teachers, friends,
Little as I know, it's more than any other teacher at my school.  And
the TI manual is fine only if you already sort of know what you are
doing. If I didn't already know QBasic, it would be dreadful.   Even
so,  I have no clue what FARGO is and if ASM is on my TI-83 they hide
it well.  (What exactly is ASM?)  You folks in the know don't
remember how steep the learning curve is.  Please have pity on us

> Date sent:   Fri, 9 Jan 1998 23:39:40 EST
 > Send reply to:  n X t <nxt@JUNO.COM>
  > From:           n X t
<nxt@JUNO.COM> > Subject:        Re: Finding X- and Y-intercepts
> To:             CALC-TI@LISTS.PPP.TI.COM

> On Fri, 9 Jan 1998 15:03:32 -0500 Richard Bowman <richard@BOWMANSOFT.COM>
> writes:
> >Isn't that what this list is for? Asking questions. Why does everyone
> >have
> >to be so rude when answering questions?This list is set up to help
> >beginners
> >with TI-calcs. If you think they should read the manual and not use
> >this
> >resource, don't answer the question!
> >
> >Richard Bowman
> well if everyone is like him (asking questions without researching for it
> himself) everyone would be too stupid.. and the world would end...
> anywayz.. most of us here can AGREE.. that.. asking a
> teacher/friends/reading manual  is far better than emailing to a list
> waiting maybe a day for the answer.. btw.. of all the replies from
> everyone trying to answer his question on x and y intercepts.. mine IS..
> the best...  zeros.. and yint
> ---
> -nXt
>  OR:
> Linda Tansil
Cape Central H.S.
205 Caruthers
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
fax: 573-334-1114
