Re: Finding X- and Y-intercepts


Re: Finding X- and Y-intercepts

On Fri, 9 Jan 1998 15:03:32 -0500 Richard Bowman <richard@BOWMANSOFT.COM>
>Isn't that what this list is for? Asking questions. Why does everyone
>to be so rude when answering questions?This list is set up to help
>with TI-calcs. If you think they should read the manual and not use
>resource, don't answer the question!
>Richard Bowman

well if everyone is like him (asking questions without researching for it
himself) everyone would be too stupid.. and the world would end...
anywayz.. most of us here can AGREE.. that.. asking a
teacher/friends/reading manual  is far better than emailing to a list
waiting maybe a day for the answer.. btw.. of all the replies from
everyone trying to answer his question on x and y intercepts.. mine IS..
the best...  zeros.. and yint
-nXt  OR:
