Re: Wanna be Emulator
Re: Wanna be Emulator
>The result of all this will be page0.asm ... page7.asm files."
>Well, I was able to do that, but still "Error opening file" I've
>people praise this emulator thing as "imitation: sincerest form of
>- but, shucks.
this is funny. cuz it only took TWO tries for me and bam it's done.. ok
YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSE TO HAVE *.asm files.. NOT ASM!!!! suppose to be
page0.85b-page7.85b and yer suppose to run a program that MAKES IT TO
TI85.IMG here's the files you NEED TO GET YOUR EMULATOR WORKING!! :)
put the DUMPROM in your calc.. press CUSTOM.. pick F1 then SEND A BACKUP
to your COMPUTER and save it as PAGE1.85B.. now press CUSTOM.. THEN F2..
and send another backup name it PAGE2.85B etc.. until PAGE7.85B
NOW.. make sure YOU UNZIP ALL OF THE ZIP FILES I'VE LISTED!!!.. now make
sure all the PAGE*.85B are in the same directory as the other unzipped
zip files! :)
(make a backup for the PAGE*.85B.. ) (if you want. cuz if you do the next
thing i write, it'll delete it.. i dunno why)
ok NOW.. RUN MAKE.BAT!!!!! it'll RUN The FIXROM stuff.. then it'll
CONVERT the page*.85b to page*.bin.. then convert it to TI85ROM.IMG now
when you get NO ERRORS.. run TI85.EXE!! BA BAM!!! you have yourself an
where do you get these FILES??? go to click TI85.. go down
the page.. there should be a link to the guy that made the EMULATOR.. go
to his page.. and he's got all the files.. if not uh dunno ask me i can
upload it to btw.. MAKE.BAT is really realy usefull..
now.. i this is like my THIRD time telling ppl how to make a stupid
emulator.. (btw.. it is stupid.) you prolly can do 1+1=2 in your
emulator like 10 seconds slower!!! (meaning type 1 then find how the hell
you type + then 1 then enter)
-nXt OR: