Re: HELP--Parallel Link to TI-86 problem
Re: HELP--Parallel Link to TI-86 problem
When using the program CAL the test works great, but when I try to send
something from the calculator to the computer I get the message "Header Too
Large" Does anybody know what this means and how I might fix it? Any help
would be appreciated. Thanks.
>Check to make sure you have the right diodes. I think that may be my
>problem. Also, with Mo'Slo, I can send extremely small programs to the
>calculator. The plug I am using came from a TI-92 also, but it is
>tapered at the end like my 86 cable. That shouldn't be causing any
>problems. Sometimes, CAL will give me a null pointer instruction (or
>whatever it is), either having terminated itself, or after I exit. I
>get that error when I exit CAL after it refuses to send programs at
>all. The calculator reports just a code 38, rather than a code 38 +
>program name. I don't know what to do about it, but I am working on my
>own link program that will solve all these problems. I should be done
>with it within a few weeks, given that I can get the information I
>need. Good luck!