Re: Slow Down on 86 and 83
Re: Slow Down on 86 and 83
When you run a program for the first time after opening it up in the editor
it "tokenizes" the program(replaces long commands, etc with shorter stuff
that the calc can understand). This takes time but also makes the program
smaller. When a program is opened in the editor it is "detokenized" and
will be tokenized again when you run it. If you want your programs to run
fast all the time, just don't open them in the editor or run them
immediately after editing. I am pretty sure this is what's happening.
Michael Turitzin
> From: Prince of Space <nater1@BLAHEROLS.COM>
> Subject: Slow Down on 86 and 83
> Date: Friday, February 27, 1998 8:05 PM
> I have noticed in many basic programs I have made for
> the 86 and the 83 that after a while, they seem to slow down.
> If I exit the program and restart it it is fast again.
> Does anybody know why this is and how I can avoid it?
> thanks