Re: I have a cool program to send you guys but I cant get it
Re: I have a cool program to send you guys but I cant get it zipped right now
You can manyally compile bad source code...
>a "bad" asm program is not necessarily "bad. the syntax and everything
>should and has to be right for it to compile correctly. What I'm saying is
>that you create a small, simple get key loop. Have it check for a key that
>doesn't exist. It will keep checking the keypresses until you press the
>phantom key; which you can't do. Since there is no other way out of a
>failed asm program, you have to pull all the batteries, erasing the memory.
>you make it more interesting, I guess you could put a little message in
>there, laughing at the user.
>>But they don't do anything but make the user sit there and get mad...we
>>need to make something that fragments memory so it is realy slow, or
>>something that makes an invisible "Y" var that is invalid so that when you
>>try to graph it says somethings invalid... What are your ideas?
>>>Yep, writing bad asm program code is easy to do. You could create a small
>>>virus, probably less than 50 bytes. Do a getkey loop for a key that
>>>exist. There's no getting out save pulling all the batteries. No virii
>>>do permanent (spelling?) damage to the calculator considering it is all
>>>and bubble memory; no real writing going on.