Re: Linux GCC don't want to make tidev (the fargo link utilities)


Re: Linux GCC don't want to make tidev (the fargo link utilities)

> My 1st message was not very clear...
> My problème with "tidev" (cf the fargo toolkit) is that the GCC complier
> don't want to compile the "ti.c" and the "ticat.c" the error seem to come
> from the file included from /usr/scr/linux/include/linux ...
> I thing the RedHat 5.0 (the linux I have) use not the same file as the one
> used by the developper of this programme (the great : David Ellsworth!  ;-)

When can I find those files/programs for my slackware 3.4 (linux) with
kernel 2.0.32
How can I use my link to TI82 on com1 for linux 
Is there any programs for linux to do it

Zbigniew Ignasiak
e-mail   :
==>    Hiroszima'45   Czernobyl'86   Windows'95    <==
-=* IQ panow z Microsoftu * ilosc zarobionych przez nich pieniedzy = const *=-
PS. Don't marry, be happy !
