I have a cool program to send you guys but I cant get it zipped
I have a cool program to send you guys but I cant get it zipped right now
Do you know of any BASIC virii for the Ti-86 and
Ti-85. It would be really helpful. I might set up my own web page
with nothing but calculator virii. Please send me all that you know about
it and all the web sites besides the TI-philes that has any virii. I dont
care if it is text as long as I get the virus. Oh yeah I have a cool virus
program that I'll send you guys if you accept those kinds of programs. It
doesnt do any damage except erase all your memory. You should have your
own little section on TIcalc with nothing but asm and Basic virii. Please
email me and think about my comment.
P.S. I was supposed to send you a Basic
operating shell but it got delayed Im sorry and now I totally erased the whole
thing. It was in Basic anyways and it kind of sucked compared to Rascall
and Ashell. Thanks.