Re: Programing the TI-85
Re: Programing the TI-85
This piece of code should do the trick. Notice there are no GOTO
statements and the screen isn't constantly being cleared. Improper use
of GOTO statements results in slowing of the calculator. =\= means not
equal to. I'm not sure about the while statement (Don't have my book
with me.) If you want a trail like in nibbles, then get rid of any
statements with OLDC or OLDR in it. If you want to be able to tell
where you have been like as in nibbles, the easiest way is to use an
8x21 matrix. I that's what you want to do, let me know, and I'll try to
modify the code. The only problem with this particular piece of code is
that there will probably be an error if the 0 goes off the screen.
TI-CALC Discoveries
>From: Ray Kremer[SMTP:rkremer@BRADLEY.EDU]
>Reply To: Ray Kremer
>Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 1998 10:23 PM
>Subject: Re: Programing the TI-85
>While( Z =\= 22)
>Outpt(OLDR,OLDC," ")
>If H==1
>If H==2
>If H==3
>If H==4
>If Z==24
>If Z==25
>If Z==26
>If Z==34