Re: Need HELP with Ti85 programming
Re: Need HELP with Ti85 programming
I usually do something like this:
While C==O
Scott K wrote:
> can anyone tell me if there is a website that has information on
> programming for the TI-85?
> I need/want to know how to use the getKy function. The manual stated
> that you can use it inside loops, but it didn't give any examples of how
> the syntax should look like.
> Basically, what I want it to do, is to be able to just press a button,
> and that should transfer me to some other portion of the program.
> For example: do you need to use logical testing in order to use the
> getKy function?
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> P.S. -- please send the messages back, directly to my
> email account at
> Thanks.
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