Re: PROPOSAL: TI-82 "Enhancement" Project
Re: PROPOSAL: TI-82 "Enhancement" Project
'The commodore' is very misleading...thats like saying 'the IBM' when IBM
makes computers with the x86 and PPC...or 'the apple' which uses aboout 4
different processors. Commodore made IBM compatibles, "commodore"s, VICs,
all of which used (mostly) different processors.
The Z80 is a 8080 clone...why doesn't someone try to find an os for the
8080 and port the kbd and lcd routines?
>Actualy, the CPU used in calculators in the same used in many personal
>computers similar to the Commodore. In fact I think that the Commodore
>may have even used a z80.
>I'm, like, a product, OK, of american, you know, education, all right?
>On Sat, 21 Feb 1998 11:20:31 +0100 (Justin
>Smith) writes:
>>(A copy of this message has also been posted to the following
>>In article <>, Chris A
>><dj_ramen@JUNO.COM> wrote:
>>>Also, since it wouldn't have TI's wierdo
>>>hardware limitations, the available C compilers should be able to
>>>for it.
>>Well TI's are calculators not computers....that's why. Duh. :)
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