Please help me!
Please help me!
Right in the middle of devolpement for the ultimate expander (40MB at $30)
and I ran out of money for supplies. I'm also building some more projects
which I need parts for devolpement and testing.
I'm looking for these things. The credit amount is the ammount you can
spend at my store when the products come out.
Item Credit
Old parallel printers $5 to $10
any Apple II computer $10 to $25
any Commodore computer $10 to $25
IDE HDs (up to 120MB) $5 to $20
old computers/computer parts depends
dead/alive calcs depends also
Btw, the 40MB expander fits inside a TI83. I havn't tried other calcs yet,
but it might fit in those as well. Its not flash, so it can't wear out.