Re: TI 92 ROM


Re: TI 92 ROM


> From: Ray Kremer <rkremer@BRADLEY.EDU>
> Subject: Re: TI 92 ROM
> Date: Tuesday, February 17, 1998 6:38 AM
> Okay, to sum up:
> *Downloading ROMs is illegal, but dumping from a calculator you have isn't
> since you already paid for that ROM (as long as you don't give a copy to
> someone else).
> *You can be fined big time for downloading ROMs.
> *It is unlikely that TI will get you for downloading ROMs and you will
> have to pay the fine (unless you are the one giving the ROMs out).
> *...but you still shouldn't download any ROMs, since it is still illegal.
> I guess this is kind of like the FBI warning that says not to copy
> videotapes.  It's illegal, they'll never catch you for it, but don't
> do it anyway.
> Please don't respond to this, I've said nothing that could even remotely
> be concidered wrong, and I'm trying to end this whole thing, not extend it.
> I think we all get the idea, and you can all stop adding to this topic now.
> Agreed?