Re: TI 92 ROM
Re: TI 92 ROM
In a message dated 98-02-16 13:45:42 EST, you write:
<< Yes, people do that. And yes, it is illegal. And yes, you can be fined.
Grow up. You're going to get fined by TI for something that is downloadable.
You can buy the calculator for $100. plus. So TI is going to send their $300.
an hour lawyers to your state to file a law suit to recover at most the cost
of the calculator. What do you think that will cost? Grow up.
<< I can't help but notice you think you are right... >>
You may pretend to know something about calculators but you don't know
anything about life and reality. Like you more than once have said, "if you
don't know what you are talking about, then shutup".