Re: TI 92 ROM
Re: TI 92 ROM
I could do somehting like this, but it would be more like this:
copy c: e:
format c:
copy e: c:
umm not that I have any illegal software or anything....I buy everything I
have legitimatly.. but of course since other people have access to my
system there is no telling what *they* put on there ;)
On Sun, 15 Feb 1998, Grant Stockly wrote:
:Ok smart guy...every 24 hours run this bat file... ;)
:ECHO Working...
:copy ti92.rom ti92b.rom
:del ti92.rom
:rename ti92b.rom ti92.rom
:ECHO Done!
:>Ok, This is a misconception, There is no law saying that if you have
:>illegal software, that if you delete it within 24 hours you are safe. If
:>you download anything that is copyrighted, licensed or whatever, you can
:>get it trouble for it. The only reason that you see all those warez sites
:>with 'blah blah delete it within 24 hours blah blah' is because some guy
:>out there wants to protect his own butt. So, next time you see somehting
:>that says this you can basically ignore it... jsut dont tell anyone you
:>have downloaded it and keep it... I am not against warez at all (im a
:>college student) but I just find it stupid that people think they are
:>protected because they 'deleted it within 24 hours'