Re: TI-92 Multiplying vectors


Re: TI-92 Multiplying vectors

In article <19980213.194201.795614.NETNEWS@AUVM.AMERICAN.EDU>, Nathan Lyon
<lyonn@OKSTATE.EDU> wrote:

>I need to multiply and divide complex numbers.  Using e^ixx gives
>unpredictable results.  Using [ x, y] vectors will not allow me to multiply
>or divide vectors.  Does anybody know how to use vectors like this on the
>TI-92?  The instruction manual was of little help.

Hey Nathan, I think I can help you.

Type in....

{a,b} -> x

{c,d} -> y

Then x*y gives you:

{a*c, b*d}

Hope that helps!


I can't think of any good signatures...:~(
