Re: Z-SHELL/USguard
Re: Z-SHELL/USguard
Huh? Are you saying that if you have a calculator with both zshell and
usgard on it. Both zshell and usgard are backups. The backups include
the strings as well as a modified custom menu. You cannot have both
backups on the calculator at the same time.
TI-CALC Discoveries
>From: Chris Campitelli[SMTP:Butter69@AOL.COM]
>Reply To: Butter69@AOL.COM
>Sent: Thursday, February 12, 1998 2:17 PM
>Subject: Z-SHELL/USguard
>I have a question regarding USguard and Z-Shell. If you have both strings on
>calc. and it's sent to another calc. through backup will both come up in the
>coustoms menu or will one overide the other? If one overides the other is
>their a way to put that one into the coustoms menu? Thanks.
> Chris